Thursday, January 22, 2009

Dominique Michaud


Dominique said...
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Dominique said...

19 Minutes, Jodi Picoult. Fiction. Atria Books. 2007.
Jodi Picoult is one of the most powerful writers in fiction. Her writing portrays a variety of topics. If you enjoyed My Sister’s Keeper, then you will love Jodi Picoult’s second best seller, Nineteen Minutes with eye opening story that will touch your heart.

From the beginning of kindergarten Peter Houghton was humiliated all this life. Proposing the question, is it ever okay for a victim to strike back? The story shows all affects one shooting has on a society, the length’s people will go to just to fit in, how your own child can become a mystery to you, how a friendship deteriorates, a bully’s last word, and the cold hard truth of being different.

Nineteen Minutes reflects the reality of a high school shooting. Jodi Picoult did an amazing job at capturing many controversial issues. Jodi Picoult’s writing pulls you in and never lets go. Touching upon every stereotype placed on high school students. Picoult’s writing technique is realistic, portraying what it would take for a high school student to come to school with a gun, taking his classmates lives.

I strongly recommend reading 19 Minutes, for an eye-opening experience. Just when you think you understand every character and plot line, the book takes a twist with a shocking ending. This book is very enlightening leaving you with the question “And who if anyone has the right to judge someone else someone?”